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RainReady Newark Logo

Phase 1
RainReady Newark Projects

The City of Newark is planning a robust green stormwater infrastructure program across the entire city and including a commitment to manage 213 acres of impervious surface in our combined sewer system areas alone. It is expected that the green infrastructure effort may encompass hundreds of projects. RainReady Newark will be heavily dependent on community engagement regarding location siting, GSI elements and additional active and passive recreation opportunities. 

RainReady Newark, Phase 1, includes nine projects selected from existing stormwater management plans and projects identified through outreach from our community partners. In total, these projects are expected to capture between 159,000 and 198,750 gallons of stormwater in a typical rainfall of 1 or 1.25 inches of water in 2 hours. 


The range of stormwater capture varies by site. Smaller projects, like Horatio Street may be expected to capture 5,000 to 6,500 gallons in a 1 or 1.25 inch 2-hour rainfall. Other projects, like the Bo Porter Sports Complex and the Ferry Street project, are expected to capture between 55,000 to 67,000 and 40,000 to 50,000 gallons, respectively, across the same parameters.  

  • Legacy Project developed in collaboration with community partners. This project is currently out to bid. Project expected to capture 3,000 to 4,000 gallons of stormwater in a typical 1 to 1.25 inch rainfall over 2 hours.

  • Legacy Project developed in collaboration with community partners. This project is currently under design review by the Newark Dept of Engineering. Project expected to capture 40,000 to 50,000 gallons of stormwater in a typical 1 to 1.25 inch rainfall over 2 hours.

  • Legacy Project developed in collaboration with community partners. This project is currently under design review by the Newark Dept of Engineering. Project expected to capture 5,000 to 6,500 gallons of stormwater in a typical 1 to 1.25 inch rainfall over 2 hours.

  • Legacy Project developed in collaboration with community partners. This project is currently under design review by the Newark Dept of Engineering. Project expected to capture 15,000 to 18,250 gallons of stormwater in a typical 1 to 1.25 inch rainfall over 2 hours.

  • Legacy Project developed in collaboration with community partners. This project is currently under design review by the Newark Dept of Engineering. Project expected to capture 8,000 to 10,000 gallons of stormwater in a typical 1 to 1.25 inch rainfall over 2 hours.

  • Legacy Project developed in collaboration with community partners. This project is currently under design review by the Newark Dept of Engineering.


    The project stormwater totals are still being evaluated as design is ongoing. Expected stormwater capture will be updated as data becomes available. 

  • This is a new project identified in collaboration with community partners. This project is currently under design evaluation and will have on-site public engagement in Spring 2024. Initial site evaluations indicate project may capture 55,000 to 67,000 gallons of stormwater in a typical 1 to 1.25 inch rainfall over 2 hours.

  • This is a new project identified in collaboration with community partners. This project is currently under design evaluation and will have community meeting engagement in Spring 2024.


    Initial site evaluations indicate project may capture 20,000 to 26,000 gallons of stormwater in a typical 1 to 1.25 inch rainfall over 2 hours.

  • This is a new project identified in collaboration with community partners. This project is currently under design evaluation and will have on-site public engagement in Spring 2024. Initial site evaluations indicate project may capture 55,000 to 67,000 gallons of stormwater in a typical 1 to 1.25 inch rainfall over 2 hours.

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